Friday, January 27, 2017

March for Life

So there is a march for life going on today and I'm pissed.

Not because there is a march for life- people have their opinions and beliefs and other women marches over the weekend so these people are free to march as well.

I'm pissed because of the comments I'm seeing:

"so peaceful, not that leftist shit."  Are you kidding me?  Was the Women's March on Saturday not peaceful?  (Besides what Madonna said.)  Was their violence?  NO but everyone assumes since it wasn't pro life it must be violent.

I want to know WHY IS IT OK FOR THESE WOMEN TO MARCH AND EVERYONE APPLAUDS THEM but when the other side marches they're told they're:



whiny little snowflakes who need to sit down and shut up




Either the Bible thumpers will outlaw abortion and millions or women will suffer.

OR abortion will stay in tacked and the Bible thumpers will keep crying.


Do what you want with your body and STOP TRYING TO IMPOSE YOUR BELIEFS ON SOMEONE ELSE!!!!

Pro choice believers do not knock on the doors of a Catholic woman who doesn't believe in birth control and is knocked up for the 10th time and tell her SHE MUST HAVE AN ABORTION.

Abortion does not affect you if you do not believe in it.  YOU'RE LETTING IT AFFECT YOU!!


Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Let's talk Abortion

I saw this article today and it was very interesting.  Apparently, there is a bill that was recently introduced to Congress that states life begins at conception.  Some believe this means that even miscarriages could be considered punishable offenses.  As someone who has had a miscarriage and knows many women who have, I can attest that more often than not a miscarriage is devastating and is NOT something the mother wanted. Side note- I was greatly amused by one Facebooker's comment saying "Sperm is alive. Let's ban men from masturbating. Make it illegal."

Here's the thing- I hate abortion, as I stated in another post.  I believe that is should NOT be used as birth control but I also believe that is should be available when medically necessary or in extreme circumstances (rape or incest.)  And I know that having that belief makes me "in the middle" and I know that IF there is going to be a law on abortion than we need to define life at some point.  

My proposal- no laws against abortion!  It is legal so long as it is done by a medical professional.  If you don't want to government paying for it, then don't make it a part of a government program.

How about instead of shutting down Planned Parenthood, make it more open to young girls and women.  TEACH our children about safety and protection.  Offer prenatal care along with all the other things PP offers but don't offer abortion.  OR offer it and make people pay for it, which I believe they do already.  Then you're profiting off of it.  Honestly, I don't understand why the government would want to take away something they profit off of.

And I get that the Bible thumpers don't want their kids having sex, listen neither do I!  My mom basically instilled the fear of God in me when it came to sex as a kid, which is why I can proudly say that I did not lose my virginity until I was 19 and I have been INCREDIBLY careful to prevent pregnancy before I'm ready.  I was educated!  I was taught, this is not something that you just go from one person to another doing randomly.  I was taught this was about love and commitment and that while it was preferred I wait until marriage that I better protect myself if I didn't.  I was educated in a public classroom starting when I was 10 and also at home.  I knew the science behind it.  I knew my parents opinion and beliefs on it.  And with that information I made decisions for my own life.  

An educated society is a stronger society and I refuse to sit back while this society is taken over by people who believe the planet is only 6000 years old, the humans roamed the Earth at the same time as dinosaurs, or that kissing before marriage means you're going to hell.  

Bottom line- keep your religion to yourself and keep your beliefs about my uterus to yourself.  Take care of yourself, take care of your kids, and leave everyone else alone!

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

A Rant* After Overhearing a Conversation at Work

At my job we have a decent mix of Democrats and Republicans.  For some reason, the Democrats can handle a calm conversation about what they agree and don't agree with but the Republican's not so much.

On election day, they walked around stating "you better have made the right choice!" To a coworkers child who came to visit and was excited he took part in his dad voting.  They splash ridiculous pictures of Trump around the office.

On inauguration day, they wheeled out a big screen TV (that was a waste of company money) to broadcast the inauguration on the call center floor.  Why is that a problem?  Well... for one thing, we were all watching it at our desks but then pulling that out made everyone gather around and then no one was logged in to answer the phones.  But the bigger issue is that they had thrown a fit last year when some people were "caught" watching videos at their desks.  (In actuality the person was scrolling through Facebook, something that is allowed here, and stopped on an auto play video when a call came in and they moved to their other screen to handle the call.  The worker was not sitting and watching the video but it led to a very angry email directed at me and my boss stating the Republican employee wanted to fire my direct report.  Mind you we are in a completely different department and this person has no control over us.)  So why is it so awful to have a video running while you're actually working, but it's ok to wheel out a huge tv and draw people away from their desks?

I get that this was a historic event, every inauguration is, and we should be paying attention.  But their reason for streaming the event was to shove it in peoples faces, gloat, and be childish about it.  We're at work, let's leave political opinions at home.

That being said, this is the point of my post.  Today I overheard a different Republican having a conversation.  To set the tone of this person's opinions I'll also tell you that they believe all Liberals should be deported and that Trump being elected was a reason to get drunk (I agree, but they were celebrating not trying to forget this is actually reality.)

What happened today was a conversation:

Coworker 1- did you go to the women's march?
Coworker in question- are you kidding me?  That was such a joke!  I would never be caught doing something so stupid!

*Jess, take a deep breath!*

Here's the thing- I keep hearing how women and men say the march was pointless and nothing more than whining because in America are not oppressed and how millennial's are whining and we need to get over it, grow up and move on.

I will NEVER sit down and shut up when it comes to the following:

*sexual assault (male or female)
*spousal abuse (physical, emotional, or verbal) (male or female)
*someone else having control over another person's body (meaning a woman should have the right to birth control, abortion- although I despise it **- have her tubes tied, etc...)
*rights of the LBGT community

It is not ok to objectify women.  It is not ok to rape a woman EVER- she was NOT asking for it by wearing a short skirt or a low cut blouse.  It is not ok to beat your wife because you had a bad day at work or manipulate her into not leaving you.  It is not ok to force a woman to not have an abortion because YOUR religion says it's wrong.

Were parts of the March ridiculous?  
YES! Madonna should have never mentioned blowing up the White House.  Women wearing vagina and fallopian tube hats were a bit much.  But it doesn't change that there was a point to this march.  You may not be a pro-choice believer or a Democrat, or whatever, but guess what?  If you're a human, this march was for YOU!  This was to remind everyone in power, not just Trump, that we are worthy of being equal simply because we are human and you telling us to sit down and shut up is a form of oppression.

Here's what I want:
*respect all humans
*equal pay based on ability and knowledge, not on sex organs
*keep your hands to yourself, unless given permission
*let each human decide what is best for their body (I mean come on, we have all kinds of plastic surgery out there and no one bitches about that being mutilation but you want to change your sex organs or you want to abort a baby conceived from rape and everyone is in an uproar.  Do NOT tell me that God doesn't make mistakes.  You believe that.  For the most part, I believe that.  But not everyone does!  The world is not a Christian planet.  This country is not a Christian country.  We have freedom to choose our religion and we have a separation of church and state.  Keep your opinions to yourself OR start taking in everyone who is pregnant from rape/incest, take care of them (physically and mentally,) and then take care of their child when it's born.)

That is all!

*yes I'm calling this a rant- many of you think my generation does nothing more than whine so why not rant while we're at it?

** my thoughts on abortion **  I HATE the thought of abortion being used as birth control.  BUT I know that there are cases when it is necessary- rape, incest, the baby is dying or terminally ill.  There are exceptions to my rule HOWEVER this is my "rule" or opinion.  I CANNOT force my opinion on others.  As much as it breaks my heart to think of healthy babies being killed because their mother and father (this is a 2 way street) didn't use protection it is NOT my place to make a decision that will effect the rest of THEIR LIVES!

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Damn Millennial's- no offense

Here's the thing- I don't believe I am, but according to some sites, I am.  So ok!  Let's go with that.  But hear me on this - don't have a conversation around me and feel the need to say things like "oh these darn millennials, no offense Jessica."  Shut up!  You don't like this generation and you may have good reason to, but you've decided to lump a bunch of people together and talk about them in a negative way, don't add "no offense" to the end and think it takes away what you've said.

If you're going to say something, say it and stand behind it!  Don't pussyfoot around.  People may disagree with you, that's their right, but don't feel like you need to stand down or be "polite" about things by adding in "no offense."  There is no more polite, many American's are against many American's and we've lost the ability to truly be polite to each other any more.  Say what you want to say, and stand behind it, that's it!

Saturday, January 21, 2017


So it's gotten to the point that I can no longer post my thoughts on Facebook, for many reasons that aren't worth getting in to.  So I've decided to start a blog.  Here we go....

The following posts will be my thoughts, opinions, and feelings on anything having to do with the next 4 years.

Let it be known that I am (currently) 33 years old and do NOT consider myself a "millennial."  I believe I'm in generation Y but whatever!  All I know is that when people think of a millennial they think of a spoiled brat who whines about everything and wants everything given to them.  I on the other hand:

*have a college degree, that I paid for (in part)
*have a job
*pay my bills
*do not mootch off my parents, or the government!

I earn what I have and that's it.  I don't demand anything from any one, except respect.  I have NEVER been given an participation trophy and never expected to get one.  "If you're not 1st your last!"